Malielani Golden is a multitalented young lady who this past weekend went to her junior prom at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in a gold satin dress she sewed herself the night before the event. It wasn't by design. She had purchased a dress, but her alterations didn't turn out the way she envisioned. When a last minute search at Ala Moana and Nordstroms turned up nothing, she convinced her mom to purchase a bolt of fabric and returned home determined to sew the garment she wanted. She was up well past midnight the evening before the event, but got the job done. The fabric of her golden dress matched the satin dress of her date, and best friend from small-kid time, Chelsea. Later this week Malielani found out she had been excepted to a Youth-Conservation program this summer at Chaminade University. She had gone to an extensive testing and evaluation session a couple months earlier, and was surprised to get the acceptance in the mail. Malie is a talented Tahetian dancer and currently competes on the Saint Andrews Priory sailing team. Regattas are near Magic Island at the Alawai harbor. One thing is for sure, if Malielani every had to compete at creating a fashion design overnight she would succeed in getting it done. And with her conservation and nature interests, who knows, one day she might surprise us with some first rate eco-couture.