Monday, February 16, 2009

GIGAPAN Photo Shoot in Downtown Honolulu

Below are links to a gigapan photo shoot from Thursday February 5th down on Fort Street Mall. Classes from Hawaii Pacific University have teamed up to create an online presence and this photo shoot is one of the the collaborative projects undertaken by the classes. Gigapan is a project from Carnegie Mellon University and NASA originally undertaken to capture terrestrial images of Mars.

Thanks to photographer Richard Palmer and producers from Writing for New Media.

The below ditty is from:

"The Gigapan camera is a simple robotic platform for capturing very high-resolution (gigapixel and up) panoramic images from a standard digital camera. Sponsored by Google, CMU and the NASA Ames Intelligent Robotics Group, the Global Connection Project has also developed software which places you inside the panorama and lets you explore.

An earlier version of this imaging technology was developed for the Mars Exploration Rovers; the panoramas created from Mars enabled a simulated experience of being on another planet. The Gigapan project aims to create a similar experience, but for exploration of Earth."